Job Title: Technical Director
Company: United CBRN Limited
David is Technical Director for the science-based consultancy company, United CBRN Limited and is a professional chemist, with more than 28 years of experience in the fields of materials science and CBRN protection. A chartered chemist and scientist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of the Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, David is currently the technical lead on all United CBRN Limited extreme hazard management programs, for both the civil and military markets. He is a visiting professor at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (Cranfield University-Defence & Security) and a Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) for Defence & Security Studies.
Job Title: Director
Company: RPA Ltd
As a Director of RPA Ltd, of which she was a co-founder in 1999, Claire has over 17 years of experience in RPE and Face Fit Testing. RPA are a leading provider of Face Fit Testing, Training, and RPE Supplies throughout the UK and are a Gold Chanel Partner for TSI who manufacture the PortaCount. Claire is a Fit2Fit assessor for the Fit2Fit Scheme and is also an accredited provider of both Quantitative and Qualitative Fit Testing.
Job Title: DPSM and Engineering Lead
Company: Avon Protection
Mike is a Senior Engineer who joined Avon Protection’s world leading Respiratory Protection Design and Development team in 2007. Mike has expertise in the Design, Manufacture, Testing and Training of supplied and filtered air products for military and civilian CBRN applications.
Job Title: Senior Lecturer (retired)
Company: Cranfield University Centre for Defence Chemistry
Job Title: TBC
Company: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Job Title: Senior Respiratory Protection Research & Application Specialist
Company: 3M
Company: Andy Capon Consulting
Job Title: Retired (Part-time consultant)
Experience in Respirator Development, Testing, Certification and Standards development.
Company: RPA Ltd
Job Title: Director
Karen's main area of expertise is in RPE Fit Testing and her special interest is the theory and application of both Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Test methods. Karen is a Fit2Fit assessor, Fit2Fit accredited operator and sits on the Fit2Fit technical committee. As a UK expert in Fit Testing, Karen is also an active member of the PH4 committee which provides technical input into the development of new ISO standards on RPE. Karen is one of the founders and directors of RPA Ltd, a specialist company which provides RPE Fit Testing, Training and equipment for companies from all business sectors throughout the UK.
Job Title: Sales manager respiratory protection
Company: ProQares
Menno is an expert in testing respiratory protective devices, adsorption capacity of filters and carbon, specialized in CBRN related experiments with live agents.
Company: Steenweg Consultancy
Company: Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute
Małgorzata is actively involved in safety research and environmental engineering, especially concerning occupational exposure to existing hazards and working conditions.